Thursday, December 11, 2014

Things Entrepreneurial People Do Differently

1. For one entrepreneurs love failing and we understand that we must do it as quickly as possible, in order to reach the results that we are looking for in our personal and business lives. But for most people, the fear of failure is entirely paralyzing, but for entrepreneurs, failure is something to embrace. It's an indication of pushing the limits, and inevitable when one is constantly trying new things. We must embrace that failure is apart of life. We must conclude to the understanding of the words by John C. Maxwell in his book Failing Forward "That you must be willing to fail forward". This simply means that you must learn form your mistakes in order to become better later down the line. He continues to say quote "Achievers are given multiple reasons to believe they are failures. But in spite of that, they persevere. The average for entrepreneurs is 3.8 failures before they finally make it in business".

2. We as entrepreneurs understand that you must have clarity in our vision. But in order to have clarity you must begin to move in the direction of your goal. I remember this old quote by Winston Churchill which states:"There are two things that are more difficult than making an after-dinner speech: climbing a wall which is leaning toward you and kissing a girl who is leaning away from you. If you never even being how will you ever finish. But that plays apart of the above mentioned idea of failure. Failure oftentimes prevent many people from ever being the voyage of new explorations. When we don't take the calculated risk but decide to travel down the easy road in which so many others have gone, we can only expect to reap the same harvest as they did. So here is a tip if you wouldn't trade places with a person don't take advice from them because the only thing they can give you is what they already have and if that equates to nothing than nothing you will have as well.

3. People oftentimes let their past defined them for a lifetime. It does no matter who you are right now, its about becoming who you should be despite who you are today. I personally believe that it is the fundamental reason why so many people fail in business and at life. They never got the blueprint to themselves, so they constant make reprints of others. True entrepreneurs and business minded people will not allow themselves to become carbon copies of something or someone they are not. Becoming who you should be despite who you are is about finding your purpose and having everlasting fulfillment to know that you are equipped with the tools to combat the distraction that comes with being a dream chaser. I would suggest reading this book if you want to start 2015 off right this year with true direction and most importantly purpose. So check it out what do you have to lose by not reading this life changing book? Maybe your purpose, your sense of direction, true meaning to your existence. In the words of Mark Twain “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” What If this book helps you find out the WHY part of your life and or existence,  "Becoming Who You Should Be Despite Who You Are"

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1 comment:

  1. This is Great Information! I Will most Definitely Share for Present and Future Entrepreneurs
